Two months in Chile - Looking back

I can't believe it is already over and I can't believe all the experiences and everything that I have done in these past 2 months in Chile. I arrived here not having more plans than the first 2 weeks on Edo's farm. The rest got planned as I went, according to ideas, wishes, needs as well as through discussions with the people I met. I discovered that Workaway volunteering isn't that 'easy' after all, living with families and people. Also with some emotional things going on and need for rest and healing. My initial intention was to be on farms to learn to grow food, this only happened at the very end. What have I learned in these 2 months in Chile: - that it is not so easy to find Workaways that fits what you are looking for! and that have vegetable gardens... - to make fire! a lot! - how to cremate a dead dog in the woods at night - what is needed before starting a vegetable garden: keep the animals away! building a fence - how to train a Malinois guard...