Painting in the woods

The 3-day aquarell course in Zermatt has taught me something very valuable: how to set up my material outdoors: my paint box, a paintbrush, a water container (the lid becomes the water jar), aquarell paper and a super small and light weight fisherman stool. With this I am all set! Everything I have is in the miniature version to increase the probability of me bringing it along on my trip and places I go to.

As a complete beginner and not good at drawing, I use a wonderful tool to start painting (now that I don't have the maestro next to me as I had during the course): YouTube tutorials! I am so grateful for the talented people who share their gifts and help others. This water color flower video is the one I chose to start with, from Jay Lee who really does beautiful paintings and makes it looks so easy and feasible (even if it actually is quite hard for me as a beginner!). I'm still happy with the result and it makes me want to do much more :-)


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