A few days to recover in Santiago and Isla Negra

After an intense time on the farm, my departure date had arrived, I said goodbye to Edo, Fiona the lovely cuddly cat (wish I could take her with me) and Wayra the dog and I took off leaving by foot with my bag on my back, hopeful I would get a ride and not have to walk the 2 hours to the bus stop. And I got lucky! After about 20 minutes I got a ride from a neighbor going all the way to San Antonio, from there a small bus to the station and then direct bus to Santiago.

Two days of rest and walking around the colorful but also busy streets of Santiago and visiting Pablo Nerida's house 'La Chascona'.

From there I planned my next days and next farm then took off for 2 days of more rest in Isla Negra, a village by the sea where Pablo Neruda has his favorite house (he had 3) and spent most of his time during his last years. I was also hoping for good internet connection to update my blog. But when I arrived they said: no internet here! There was also very little connection in the few restaurants/Cafes.

Okay! I enjoyed the seaside and this poetic place with roaring waves on the black rocks.

 Wanting to take Fiona back with me

 Peaceful and joyful hostal Tambo Verde in Santiago

So many colorful murals 

 Pablo Neruda's house in Santiago: La Chascona

Museum de Arte Pre-colombino in Santiago 

Isla Negra, village by the sea

 Pablo Neruda's house


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