San Pedro de Atacama 1 - visiting the Moon and Mars

A 24-hour journey takes me from ElquiTerra to Vicuña through La Serena then Calama by night bus then finally San Pedro de Atacama, over 1300 kilometers north. How impressive to approach the city, arriving through a completely deserted landscape, high mountains and volcanoes in the background and a green patch all of a sudden appearing in the distance. It is an oasis in the middle of a desert.

It is also a VERY touristy place, focused on tours and excursions, souvenir shops, restaurants, bars and hostels, all for tourists. And it is justified given the richness of landscapes and impressive sights to see all around.

One of the top places (and closest) are Valley of the Moon and Valley of Mars, surreal landscapes. It was also my chance to book a horse-back riding tour with Atacama Horse Adventures, going through unbelievable paths and galloping in the valley.

Lots of emotions! But also not that great of a feeling in this place because of the focus of tourism. It felt a bit too intense and pushy for me. I'm really glad I went to saw these amazing scenery and of course the vicunas and lamas, which was the whole purpose of coming all this way, but at the same time it wasn't a place were I wanted to stay for very long or felt very at ease. So I made plans to go back south to Valle de Elqui again to recover once more :-)

Valle de Catarpe, on my horse David

Sunset at Valle de Marte (I've never been to Mars but it was maybe kind of like that?)

Valle de Marte - I'm alone on the picture but all around there were about 200 other people coming in many tourist vans, all watching the sunset at the same spot!

Valle de Marte, through the impressive canyons

Valle de la Luna - some structures kind of looked like piles of skulls!

Valle de la Luna

Driving back to San Pedro de Atacama fron Valle de la Luna at sunset


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