Jungle life at Ojo del Mar
Hammocks overlooking the lush jungle, bamboo bungalows completely open to the outside, mosquito nets to help us feel nice and safe during the night, many spiders all around, usually at the same spot every night so we gave them names: Josephine, Zoe, Andre, were our 3 main spiders in the bathroom area. With Talyor, Marcela and Mary Kate I really felt at home in our open cabin, laughter and connection. It was like living with 3 sisters, getting along so well. Our shower was out in the open jungle, the big bamboo tree just outside was a favorite napping spot for Billy the super cute raccoon-bear (actually a coati) and a corridor for the monkey families crossing the jungle.
To make it all even better, our location is also right by the ocean, so every morning we have the chance to go see the amazing sunrise, walk on the sand, see the little hermit crabs crawl around everywhere and the pelicans soar and dive it to catch their fish, so graceful and majestic.
Let's talk about food: it was so delicious. I went back for seconds every time, and of course all vegetarian so I could completely relax and taste everything, so many fresh fruit and vegetables, so creative, watermelon curry, taco night, typical gallo pinto (rice and beans), creative salads, and so much more - different every meal for 21 days! Bravo to the chefs. I never got hungry.
Of course it can't be all perfect: it is hot, very hot and humid, very humid. The humidity is what makes things a bit unpleasant, like going to bed in damp sheets, putting on humid clothes in the morning even though they were not even wet the night before and have been hanging the whole night. And try putting on damp yoga pants when they are slightly damp and you are already sweating because it is so hot even right after your shower! It may also happen that you open the bottom of your bag and realize some of your things are now covered in mold. Yup it's humid here! Glad I left some things in San Jose to avoid getting all my stuff ruined. Travel tip: bring the bare minimum, mostly things that you can easily wash, air out everything you have, hang everything up, bring it out in the sun anytime the sun is out.
Another surprising downside to living in a jungle full of monkeys: monkey poop and pee smell! It was only on the last morning when the monkeys had been into particularly loud arguments above our roof that we woke up to a strong unpleasant smell, I never thought that could be a thing!
All in all, I'm loving this life. Gently swaying in the hammock looking at the jungle plants all around while little Billy the coati is taking his nap up in the bamboo tree then going to our yoga classes sharing deep connection with all beautiful people here, eating delicious food and learning a lot everyday.
Morning sunrise just before 6am meditation
Delicious vegetarian food at every meal, super nice staff and great cooks
Entrance to the main dining area
Our home for 3 weeks with Taylor, Marcela and Mary Kate
Taylor taking a nap on our hammock with jungle view
This cute raccoon-bear we named Billy was hanging out often on the bamboo tree during nap time, it is actually a coati
Our shower in the open jungle!
Morning walk through Ojo del Mar
Seems like we had time to chill but actually not so much, very intense daily schedule and homework between each class!
Braid expert really talented Amanda
Every morning sunrise colors blowing my mind away!

Oh and the best part is I get to be around these awesome people everyday! 14 peers and 2 amazing teachers Inka and Concetta: each one so supportive, loving and fun.

Oh and the best part is I get to be around these awesome people everyday! 14 peers and 2 amazing teachers Inka and Concetta: each one so supportive, loving and fun.
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