'Graduated' at Finca Tierra

This is us with our freshly delivered certificates: we all successfully completed a 72-hour Permaculture Design Course! We are now ready to go and find our piece of land and design it to live off of it almost self-sustainably! Well maybe not that fast but we did get initiated to all the tools needed to make it happen.

We spent the last few days of the course designing our own farm on a piece of land on the property. We could decide where we put our house and every component needed to live the life we chose to design, for example: nursery, vegetable garden, compost, septic tank, biodigestor, chicken house, water collector, vegetable, herbs, grains, fruit trees, roots, etc. This definitely got me thinking what was my ideal life could look like and this includes a yoga shala, growing my own food and waking up in nature. I would just propbably need a place that is less humid and less hot!

I haven't been able to describe in these blog posts everything that we learned because it was so much knowledge and experience, so I would actually recommend everybody to go and take a course as well ;-)

Oh and on the last day we learned how to make honey wine and fermented vegetables - kimchi - the one we ate during the course and all really loved. Let me know if you want the recipe.

Here is what my future farm would look like on that piece of land we were assigned to :-) it has a 'guacamole alley' of avocado and lime trees and all the food I like to eat as well a a yoga shala

Bottling honey wine

Fermented vegetable making - delicious kimchi can be made in just 5 days of fermenting!

All proud of your designs - the same piece of land yet all such different ideas and visions

Sad to have to pack and leave this jungle view

Will miss all these lovely people, the beautiful place and the delicious food!


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