Confinement Day 3 - Sprouting green lentils, quick and easy delicacy

Sprouting at home: the easiest way to increase your nutrient intake and make every soup and salad even more delicious. I started as soon as I arrived home and knew I was going to be confined for a while, so I might as well share the process of how I make these sprouts!

Only one ingredient: dried lentils. The green lentils have worked best for me and they sprout super fast, in 2 days it is already ready!

- a glass jar, the larger the better to make a good enough quantity
- a mesh cloth, it can be a piece of tight or in this case a piece of very worn-out sock
- a rubberband or string
- a bowl (in which the glass jar fits upside down)

Step 1: add 1 tablespoon of dried green lentils to a glass jar, fill up with fresh water and let soak overnight or  at least 12 hours

Step 2: secure the mesh or cloth with the rubberband around the jar and drain the water out (lentils will stay in the jar thanks to the mesh). Rinse a couple more times adding water through the mesh and drain again

Step 3: Turn the jar around a few times for the lentils to spread across the surface, the more spread out, the better. If you have too many lentils and they are forming a bunch, divide the quantity in 2 separate jars. Then place the jar upside down (so the water runs down) in a bowl. Keep away from direct sunlight!

Step 4: every morning and evening, add water through the mesh to fill up the jar and then drain fully and place back upside down in the bowl

That's it! 2 days later they are nice and ready, you can move them to a smaller glass jar and keep them maximum 2 days in the fridge.

'Typically, lentils need to be cooked first to be easily digested. But sprouting neutralizes phytic acid and facilitates the bioavailability of nutrients like B vitamins and vitamin C. And on top of being good for you, sprouting opens new avenues for flavor: Sprouted lentils are grassy, crunchy, refreshing, and filling. Use them on slaws or salads, or crisp them up for a flavorful garnish. You can use most varieties of lentils, but green, black, and de Puy lentils work best.'
Extract from Harvard School of Public Health article and instructions.

Step 1: add 1 tablespoon of dried green lentils to a glass jar, fill up with fresh water and let soak overnight or  at least 12 hours

Step 2, 3 and 4: After securing the jar with a mesh, drain water, rinse again and place the jar upside down in a bowl. Rinse and drain twice daily until. Spread the lentils all around the jar.

Final step: enjoy in your salads, soups and more

There are never too many sprouts

So easy and so delicious


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