France or Bali? Coronavirus alert

That Saturday night, March 14th 2020, my last night in Los Angeles (and my sister Michele's birthday!), I still didn't know where I was going to fly to the next day: Bali or Paris? Where would I want to be if I need to be in self-isolation for a long while?

The situation wasn't clear at all, there was only one coronavirus case reported in Bali and I thought if things do escalate, where is it best to be 'stuck' during 1 or 2 months? I would actually be very happy to be stuck in Bali, working on a self-sufficient permaculture farm growing food and knowing I would have everything I need. Sounds to me like the perfect plan instead of being in France where so many cases are already reported, everything was shutting down, national emergency state declared by the President and supermarkets already missing supplies.

How to decide?
Should I stop my trip and return home earlier?
Should I risk the long flights through Sydney to get to Bali and hope to be safe there?
Should I simply come home to be close to family in case anything happens to any of us or any friends?
Should I bend to the 'general panic' as some people put it or continue travelling hoping for the best?
Should I go to a tropical paradise that has good humid air for my lungs recovering from bronchitis or back in a cold and dry climate?
Should I risk going even farther from home and maybe not have any flight back if more countries continue to shut borders?
Should I come home much earlier than planned even if I feel I am not done on my exploration journey and still am not settled on the big question I will get receive once back: 'what will you do now that you are back'?
Will I even be able to enjoy anything in Bali during this global crisis if far from family and friends?
So many questions! Need some reflection time and to put it all on paper - then it all appears much clearer.

Decision made, I'm going home. Flight rebooked. Family informed. Train ticket booked and finally, many hours later, I can get to sleep, knowing where I will be heading our tomorrow: Paris then Strasbourg.

And I'm actually excited about it now! One of the things I'm most excited about despite the perspective of being alone at home is seeing our cat, Blue and spending all my days hanging out with him!

Not much sleep but happy to go back home - lots to pack - one last time before a while! 

5,5 months of travel and Chile, Costa Rica and Colorado stamps on my pack

The flight is full! We are supposed to keep distance but how, when your elbow touches your neighbor on the plane? I'm protecting others just in case by wearing the mask. 

Sunrise approaching Paris

Made it to Strasbourg! Safe distance from my father, hugs will have to be in a month or 2.

Made it home with Blue


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