Hall of mirrors and baby twins

It's cousin time again. Let's hit the museum and that cool mirror piece in the 'Light' exhibit. Laura lives in Denver and works at the Denver Art Museum, she takes care of the art pieces for their conservation, cleans them and stores them in very special ways to best preserve them and gets to see everything behind the scenes. Earlier this year was the big Monet exhibit and she was dusting the Monet paintings everyday!

So on her day off, she super kindly offered to take me for a tour in the museum. So of course we went to the hall of mirrors, “Corridor #2” by Lucas Samaras, 1970. It is an impressive walk through the mirror gallery with the light and reflection effects, a surreal space. It is also selfie- and picture-heaven so I end up wanting to go through more than once. The one rule is to NOT touch the mirrors!

The whole rest of the exhibit is actually fascinating, especially the way the curator and artistic team have presented the art pieces and placed them in specific themes that have to do with light. The wordings on the walls are so poetic and profound to me - see pictures and transcripts below. Some are especially relevant right now as I write this in confinment during the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown (March 30th).

'The spirit of her invicible heart guided her through the shadows.' - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
'Moments of crisis or despair are often associated with darkness, when our moral or emotional compass somehow loses its direction. Adrift, we are in limbo, awaiting a desicion or resolution. Such experiences are associated with the underworld or otherworld, a place where souls go or pass through after death.'

Social Consciousness
'Social change often requires shining a light onto hidden truths - a process both harsh and healing. Sometimes these truths need sharing with the world, while other times shared secrets hold a community together. New revelations can be the basis for change or for strengthening traditions within a community.'

'Like a shadow, I am and I am not.' - Rumi
'Shadow and shade can be a welcome relief from bright light - or they may conceal dangers lurking in the dark. The interaction of light and darkness generates patterns and distortions and may play tricks on our eyes as an object or place seems transformed. Flickering shadows create drama and hint art secrets. Sometimes, stopping to notice the shadows changes our perspective and the way we see the world.'

Another great moment in Denver: seeing Christina and meeting her 3 girls, including 2 newborn twins! Spending time with tiny babies in your arms is also a bit surreal and so sweet. And seeing Milana (2,5years old) carry her pile of books everywhere and make up words and stories as she 'reads' her books. I love catching up with Christina on everything that has happened for each of us in the past 4 years since we last met. It is also impressive to see how they manage 3 little children with full time jobs yet staying quite chill (at least in the time I was there!) and use empathic-communication ways of speaking to them, role model parents!

Laura posing in “Corridor #2” by Lucas Samaras, 1970 - Denver Art Museum 2020

3rd time going through!

'Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that;
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.' - Martin Luther King Jr

With our Mandalas we started to color (had to wait for a group of kids to be done though but we did get a spot! 'connection with inner child time')

Denver in the sun and snow - Civic Center park

The Bronco Buster -1895 by Frederic Remington

Fun times with Christina's girls

Dinner with cool parents and baby twins


  1. Yeah cool ! Nice art museum ! I didn't know Laura worked there in Denver :-)

  2. Yeah nice pic at the Art Museum ! I didn't know Laura worked there in Denver :-)


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