Venice Beach with bronchitis

So that common cold I had in Colorado, well it was getting better, then worst, then better then on my second day in Los Angeles it got really worst again, I was coughing all night and in the morning decided it was time to go see a doctor. No fever nor dry cough - meaning no Coronavirus! and was most probably bacterial. Indeed after 2,5 hours at the Urgent Care clinic and lots of money spent, I'm on antibiotics and prescribed rest and fluids to get over that bronchitis. And to not bother Christelle I prefered to take a hostel room so I could just sleep all day until I got better.

Luckily I found a great place, right on Venice Beach: the Samesun Backpackers Hostel, with a private room where I could just spend my day sleeping bothering nobody and trying to recover as much possible from this bronchitis. My schedule was: sleep, eat and walk a bit. On the beach! Perfect place to take in some fresh air, walk on the sand, watch the surfers and the birds.

California Venice Beach scenes: skateboarders all around, people on their bikes carrying their surfboard under one arm, big muscle people working out at 'muscle beach',  lots of people walking their dogs and more.

It did rain a bit during several days but surfers were still out there braving the waves and cold!

Oh and breakfast and evenings in the hostel lounge was really a fun time, meeting all the other travellers and backpackers, finding out where they are from, where they are going and what they are doing. If I had felt better I would have joined a daytrip with some of them to San Diego, to Joshua Tree and the Tuesday night all-you-can eat taco night. But no, I grounded myself and anyways I was in no shape to do anything.

I was also keeping distance, washing my hands every 2 minutes and making sure not to cough around people - Corona times was being more and more present so jokes were around about people spreading it around. But for sure I didn't have it! (actually not for sure because I didnt get tested but I did not have 3 of the top 4 symptoms). 

It may seem from the pictures below that I was out alot, but no, probably not more than 1 hour per day total and the rest of the time mostly in my room sleeping/resting!

The Samesun Backpackers Hostel, right on Venice beach! 100% recommended

Sunset view from my hostel room

Real view from my room also showing the buildings and parking lot in front

Surfers braving the rainy day waves

The Green Bathroom! Really cool! Do you notice the handwashing sink fills up the toilet water tank?

Instructions in case you are wondering

 Venice Beach 

Venice Beach - rainy day 

Venice beach people watching 

Venice Beach


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