Emotional healing work and jungle feeling at Pachamama

Seven days at Pachamama, four days of 'Freedom from the Past' workshop, lots of emotional release in all the exercises, great group of people, made super nice friends, stunning location in the jungle, intense heat the whole time, no phone during 5 days as 'digital diet,' nice bungalow and balcony just for me, sounds of howler monkeys waking you up at 4am, iguanas and other creatures ruffling under the leaves all around, hummingbirds feeding on flowers, yoga classes at 6:30am, beach swim and sunset in San Juanillo, sea snails all around and pink seashells pieces. Thank you Pachamama and Karam for this transformational week.

 Can you spot the monkey in the tree?

San Juanillo secret beach 

Sea snails crawling everywhere


  1. I love the busy crabs and the jumping monkey videos! 😂I'm glad this daring experience has brought you healing and soothing joy! I hope you bring the feeling back in your backpack so that you can feel it again in the future when you need it.


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