The calendula field

Thursday, my 4th day on the farm, it was calendula-picking-day (marigolds, or soucis in French). It ended up taking not just one day to pick the whole field (with 4 people) but several days because there were so many flowers! Look at this color, it was just stunning to be in the middle of the field picking these beautiful bright orange flowers, easy to pick off the stem. It was really a magical time to be 'working' in this place. As some people were walking by, hiking or walking their dogs, I saw them watching us, saying hello, and I thought: 'If I were them right now, I'd be wishing I were in that field picking these flowers and working on this farm' - and I was! Of course I do recognize that there is a down-side to what looks like an ideal occupation, so I also want to share the other side of it: the heat and the strong sun, the backache after a while from bending down to pick and carrying the basket. The flowers and leaves are very sticky and make everything ...